Awards & Leadership in Teaching

Holmes Scholars Group Photo in NOLA

Engaged BIPOC Scholar-Practitioner Program (2023 - Present)

In Spring 2023, I was invited to join the group of esteemed BIPOC scholars in the Engaged BIPOC Scholar-Practitioner Program. Through this opportunity I have learned the value of authenticity and authenticity in community. I have learned the value of balancing personal and professional motivations for my work as a researcher, emerging faculty member, and life-long clinician. 

Future Professoriate Program (2021-2023)

In the Fall of 2021, I earned the privilege to participate in the Future Professoriate Program (FPP) towards the earning of the Certificate of University Teaching (CUT). Through engagement with teaching supervision and mentorship, as well as seminars and workshops hosted by FPP, I have learned so much of what it means to be an intentional instructor and emerging faculty member. In Spring of 2023, I completed the FPP and was awarded the Certificate of University Teaching  - a true honor and reflection of my commitment to learning and teaching. 

Orange Holmes Scholar (2021-Present) 

In Spring 2021, I was awarded the role of an Orange Holmes Scholar to represent Syracuse University’s School of Education alongside other scholars of color as part of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE). Being a Holmes Scholar has influenced my mission to lead and advocate within the fields of teacher and counselor education. I have developed meaningful connections and community that support my vision and career trajectory. Since joining the Holmes Scholar program, I learned so much about myself and others in our capacities as educators, researchers, and leaders. 

I have also been able to contribute to the annual Holmes Scholar Preconference with the following presentations of research:

Andre, L. (2022, March 03-06). Cross Cultural Supervision Experience for Minoritized Doctoral Supervisors Providing University Supervision to Dominant Culture Counselors in Training [Roundtable], Holmes Scholars Preconference at the AACTE 74th Annual Meeting 2022, New Orleans, LA. 

Andre, L. (2023, February 22-26). Black Women Healers: Counterstories of Strong Black Womanhood for Black Women Counselors [Roundtable], Holmes Scholars Preconference at the AACTE 75th Annual Meeting 2023, Indianapolis, IN. 

Andre, L. (2023, February 22-26). Competence and Social Action for the Integration of Spirituality in Counseling [Poster Presentation], Holmes Scholars Preconference at the AACTE 75th Annual Meeting 2023, Indianapolis, IN. 

Andre, L. (2024, February 14-18). Becoming a Counselor: Applying Critical Phenomenology to Uncover Narratives from Black Women Counselors about Wounds and Healing [Job Talk Presentation], Holmes Scholars Preconference at the AACTE 76th Annual Meeting 2024, Denver, Colorado (Accepted)

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